Friday, June 26, 2009

Coffee & Cuts in Coach

I'm about to board my flight to DC, en route to Charlottesville, VA for my third Figaro in as many months. As I sit here looking over the latest version of cuts (of which there are many- this could qualify as diet Figaro), I am both sad (sad to go back to English after doing it in the original Italian) and excited (new company, new cast, new maestro). I have a few old friends from grad school in the cast, and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to reconnecting with some old friends and colleagues who are already at Ashlawn working on 'Camelot.'.

I plan on doing a post-mortem on the Green Mountain Figaro, but I will save that for when I have more time and don't have to type it with my thumbs on my phone (my NEW phone- my old one, after a Lazarus-like return from the dead, reverted back to a lifeless pile of silicone and plastic).

My time at home, although much too brief, was magical. There are few things as fulfilling as having a family (not even singing Mozart!), and I will hold this past week in my heart as I travel to Virginia.
Last night Rikki and I cut out a map of Virginia and pasted a picture of me singing on it, right over Charlottesville. Not that Nikki will understand where I am exactly, but now when she asks where I am, her mommy can point to the map and say that I'm singing in Virginia. Plus, she can give me a night-night kiss too.

But I digest...For now, it's DC (via Milwaukee- I'll wave, friends) where my new Susanna has very graciously offered to pick me up, and then the charming Charlottesville. Here's to the new production, safe travels, and good times.



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