Monday, September 14, 2009

Honesty Time

We had our first dress rehearsal last night.  It was hard.  Really hard.  And I didn't even sing, I marked.  If I'm this stressed out about a piano dress, how am I going to feel on opening night?  Yikes.  

Now, I'm not fishing for compliments, soliciting encouraging remarks, or anything like that.  I just want to be honest about this moment in the process.  I am terrified.  And our rehearsal process has been so good.  Imagine how I would feel if the rehearsals hadn't been going well.  

We have our first orchestra dress tonight.  My goal is to say screw it (or some derivation of that) and just try to enjoy it and trust that all the work I did in rehearsal will pay off.  Here's hopin'.


1 comment:

  1. At this point, my friend, it's all about TRUST. Trust yourself and the work you've done. Trust your colleagues and director. Trust the conductor and the orchestra - and the music! Can't go wrong...

