Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mr. F

We had a run of Acts I and II today, and I am encouraged.  Sometimes getting the traffic patterns and skeleton of a piece put together can be so clinical and non-artistic that you feel like little chess pieces being pushed around for no reason whatsoever.  Getting the chance to run big sections not only lets you understand the flow of the piece, but gives you an opportunity to just listen and respond to your scene partners.  That happened today.  I felt like I was just talking to my compatriots, and that ain't a bad thing.  With such little time to get an opera like this on its feet, it was a relief to have a decent run. At least we have a toehold now. 

I have been playing Mr. F for nearly three months now (and boy are my arms tired! rim shot).  My characterization has definitely evolved, but that could simply be the uniqueness of each production dictating nuances to the character.  I have to say, though, it is nice to really get to know Mr. F over this long period of time, and know that each time I play him I will find something new for my bag of tricks (aka: steal stuff for future productions).  Or it could be that I've been watching old Three's Company episodes on dvd and have been shamelessly copying John Ritter (at least in my mind).  

I'm not usually a huge astrology guy, but I read mine in the weekly C'Ville paper the other day and I wanted to share it, as it is entirely appropriate and awesome:

Nietzsche's dictum might be useful for you to keep in mind right now Leo: "If it doesn't kill you, it'll make you stronger."  Since I'm very sure that the turbulent waters through which you're navigating will not kill you, I'm looking forward to all the ways this journey will upgrade your confidence and enhance your power.  But there's more to be gained, beyond what Nietzsche formulated.  It's also true that if it doesn't kill you (which it won't), it will make you wilder and kinder and smarter and more beautiful. 

I sure hope so.  

Michael Kaiser, president oh the Kennedy Center, recently wrote a fantastic article in The Huffington Post entitled Arts in Crisis.  It's about how arts organizations need to stick to their guns artistically if they want to remain successful through this economic nightmare.  I found it posted on ArtsySchmartsy's blog and thought it was really timely, considering all that's going on with the Skylight right now (PS- it felt good de-friend Skylight on Facebook.  Am I a bad person?)


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